Rookies, Chillah, Tempokillah: the weekly roll-out round for racing bike start-ups

In the last few weeks, there have been increasing inquiries as to whether we will again be offering a cozy weekly racing bike feel-good round like our starter package trips last year. A short tour, two hours driving time, flat terrain and all that at a chat pace suitable for single speed. With a subsequent cold drink in or better in front of the hat. All right, let's do it.
The fun now has a different name, as we noticed last year that even old hands and young guns sometimes feel like going for an evening stroll. Important: you follow the rules. And they say that we make every effort to give beginners a really good start in road cycling. No fooling around, no ancestors, no tricks. Anyone who knows their way around and helps beginners is a role model.
We consciously expose ourselves to the danger of being seen as borderline stupid because we have pointed out an obstacle one time too often. Or being seen as a road bike failure because we couldn't manage a 20 average. Doesn't matter. The priority is that everyone who is at the start arrives with fun in their cheeks and safe in their hats. The addictive racing bike does the rest, you get better and faster almost by yourself if you ride regularly.
Rookies, Chillah, Tempokillah is not a training ride, not a tour to splurge, nothing where values such as route, altitude profile or average play a role, but a tour that can only be measured in feel-good parameters. Anyone who can handle this is welcome.
And to all road bike newcomers who would like to ride in a group: we'll do it for you. Come by, you'll meet people who feel the same way as you.
Rookies, chillah, speed killah. From April 6th. Every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Meeting at the cap. Approx. 40 kilometers, relaxed pace, nice chats.
Small addendum 07/11/2016 : in summer, when the days are longer and the nights are shorter, the tours can sometimes be a bit longer. It stays flat, the pace doesn't get wild, but the sporty character of the tours increases. Because everyone who has ridden with us regularly has made progress. And then we start at 6:30 p.m., because then it's more relaxed for everyone involved. Please always refer to the current event on Facebook for times and details.
A pinch of sport and a good dose of relaxation. We require communicative nature and a working racing bike and are happy if a helmet adorns your beautiful head.
Important: Bring a light, we will land at dusk!!!
your hats
- Tags: Ausfahrt