The cap invites you to the cinema: Time Trial - The Last Races of David Millar

“The knowledge of success or failure is not given to us, but there is no shame in failure. There is only one real shame: the cowardice of not having tried”
Silver Surfer / Stan Lee
We love cycling films. Even if books about our favorite topic captivate and inspire us, there is no other medium than film that can reflect the experiences and moods on the bike as well as a good bike film. Our perpetual state-of-the-art masterpiece is Jørgen Leth's 1976 A Sunday in Hell, the sold-out and enthusiastically received opening film of last year's Bicycle Film Festival. Exactly that Jørgen Leth who is impressed too “Time Trials” has expressed.
"I was blown away by it!"
Jörgen Leth
And you can feel it. Time Trial has a story that goes far beyond a sports documentary. David Millar , British cycling legend, time trial artist and 2014 confident and serene “Capitaine de Route” of the Garmin-Sharp team, is followed by a film crew during his final season in the professional peloton. The highlight of the documentary will be Millar's thirteenth Tour de France, his farewell to the stage ride that drew him into cycling as a teenager. Exactly the Tour de France, in which he absolutely wanted to take part once as a child. But life cannot be planned, failure is part of it, especially in cycling. Millar knows that too. He is devastated, disappointed and hurt, but he realizes that fate and circumstances have given the film a scale that could not have been planned. David Millar knows that going from the top to the very bottom can be a short one. He can take the knocks and it's not the first time he's gotten back up. And he can put all this into words, a quality that, as is well known, is not inherent in every professional athlete.
“A rage against the fading light…”
Scottish director Finlay Pretsell is just the man for a film like this. A keen cyclist himself with a semi-professional past, the Werner Herzog fan drew attention to himself back in 2007 with his 12-minute short film “ Standing Start ”. This was followed by various film projects, participation in the Sundance Film Festival, until he produced the BBC drama "Norfolk" in 2015, directed by his cameraman Martin Radich. Together with David Millar, Pretsell and Alejandro Jodorowsky fan Radich have created a film with Time Trial that, for the first time, provides detailed insights from the inside of the professional peloton, which, thanks to modern high-performance miniature technology, on-bike cameras and driver microphones, go far beyond media reporting accompanied major events such as the Tour de France. With the help of a camera motorbike, Martin Radich captures images that, on the one hand, show mercilessly the endurance of cyclists and, on the other hand, make the poetry of a rushing group accessible to non-cyclists as well. The images, in which the team captains lead the peloton in the front row and thus control the pace, are reminiscent of western sequences. Except Sam Peckinpah would certainly have bathed in ultra slow motion.
“shows the reality of cycling
stripped of every romance”
But it's not just the images that make an impression, Dan Deacon's soundtrack and the sound of the peloton, condensed into collages by CJ Mirra, also make an impression. A cycling sound collage that gives goosebumps even when streaming on the laptop will probably pin us in our seats at the cinema.
“an audio-visual masterpiece
and future bicycle film classic”
Johan Blomqvist // Gothenburg Film Festival
If you can blame the film, it's the sudden finale. Because you just would have liked to see more and get a positive view of the future. David Millar comes across as so natural that you wish he had the key to the way out of this mess and into new happiness right away. that he can talk about. But in 2018 we know he found it, in his family, in his adopted home of Girona, in his private life and in his professional future. In his own third chapter he CHPT3 and which is knitted around a network of charismatic contemporaries such as designer and architect Richard Pearce, former Wiggle founders Steve Mills and Paul Bolwell, former fellow drivers such as Ryder Hesjedal, Thomas Dekker, Dave Zabriskie and Hunter S.Thompson revenant Morten Okbo . This is about a clearly designed, high-quality range of clothing, about bicycles, about tours, simply about life and work with, on and off the bike.
We are delighted to be able to welcome David Millar to the official German premiere of Time Trial in Düsseldorf, almost exactly a year after the Grand Départ. He will be in the cap on Wednesday, July 4th from 2:00 p.m. in the Covadonga -Verlag published book "On the road" and present parts of the new clothing collection from CHPT3, get on the bike in the afternoon for a short relaxed ride and take a trip to the Düsseldorf area with us. At 9:00 p.m. the premiere of Time Trial starts at the Cinema Filmkunstkino in Schneider-Wibbel-Gasse No. 5, 40213 Düsseldorf. And if you still feel like a beer afterwards: from 11:00 p.m. you will be waiting in the Stickum vom other a delicious Dröpke on us on Berger Straße. We look forward to a great day, with you and with our guest David Millar.
TIME TRIAL - SUBSde - TRAILER from mindjazz pictures on Vimeo .
Official German premiere
Wednesday, July 4, 2018. 9 p.m., Cinema Filmkunstkino, Schneider Wibbel Gasse 5, Altstadt
Presale tickets available in the cap, no shipping possible.
David Millar at Covadonga Publishing
UK 2017
Language: English with German subtitles
FSK: no age limit (pending)
Length: 81 mins.
DVD release: 07.09.2018
Registration for the afternoon excursion: please send an email to anmeldung (at) schickemuetze (dot) de. Subject “Social Time Trail with David Millar”.